The Sandbox should not be used for emergencies. Click here to find a crisis service.

Service Zone
Find Out What We Offer And Sign Up

Who Is The Sandbox For?
The Sandbox is for Children and Young People who want additional support for their mental health.
Everything on The Sandbox website can be accessed without registering.
If you need additional support, continue reading below where you will find a self-referral assessment to access NHS funded therapy.

What Does The Sandbox Offer?

The Sandbox Website
Our central hub of mental health resources for Children and Young People.
Free downloadable digital resources, access to Livestreams, and The Talkbox - our podcast for parents, carers, and professionals.
Where We Operate
Click on the map below to find out more information about your area.
The Sandbox is a fully digital service, meaning you can access it from wherever you are.
Anything on the Resource Zone, our LiveStreams, and The Talkbox (our podcast) can be accessed and used freely, independently of where you live.
Our other services are specific to certain areas in England, highlighted on the map.
How Do I Sign Up?
If you want additional support for your mental health, The Sandbox offers an assessment for NHS funded online therapy.
Click the 'Self-Referral' button below.

Our care team will review your assessment and get back to you within 24 hours (Monday to Friday).
Depending on your results, you may be offered The Sandbox Academy course or online therapy.
It may be helpful to prepare some information before completing the assessment.
We will need to ask you for:
Your personal details (name, age, GP or surgery name, and address).
Your contact information (email and mobile number).
An emergency contact name and phone number. This person must be over the age of 18.
This assessment should be completed by the person seeking support.
If you are a mental health professional and would like to refer a child or young person, please see our Professional Referral form below.
If you are under 12 years old, you should complete the assessment with the help of a parent, guardian, or adult you trust.